Herbs Tips

Read these 7 Herbs Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Green Tea tips and hundreds of other topics.

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What is Barley Green good for?

Barley Green

Barley juice from the young grass of the barley has many benefits starting with it being one of the most powerful free radical scavengers, known as SOD, than most any other plant. It is very special as an excellent blood builder. It is high in natural BI and Calcium and has about six times more Carotene than spinach. It has seven times the amount of Vitamin-C than does equal amounts of oranges.
(Info from New Sun Health catalog)

Green Tea Plus has over 90% polyphenols, the most potent type of antioxidants to help fight off free radicals. Organic Green Tea Plus has 100 times more antioxidant power than Vitamin C alone. For better 'overall' health drink Green Tea Plus daily to protect your body from the damaging effects of free radicals such as germs, bacteria, viruses and more!

What is Bilberry good for?


BILBERRY dates back many years. It received much recognition during the Second World War when British RAF Pilots used Bilberry jam to help increase their night vision. Later it was found, by taking the herb, that it reduced eve irritation and fatique, along with nearsiqhtedness, niqhtblindness and increased circulation. BILBERRY has been known to help with urinary problems and varicose veins.
(Info from New Sun Health product catalog)

What are the benefits of Spirulina?


Spirulina is known as one of the top miracle foods. It is a single cell type of algae that thrives in warm alkaline fresh water where it multiplies. Spirulina is one of the most natural, clean sterile foods that can be found in nature. It is the highest source of natural Beta Carotene, Vitamin D and GLA (Gamma Linolenic Acid). Spirulina contains all nine essential Amino Acids. It is extremely high in natural protein, much higher than beef. Spirulina is a food that has extremely long shelf life and is great to store for any future emergency. It contains 26 times the calcium of milk and has a good supply of niacin and phosphorus. It is of great help to almost any kind of aliment known to mankind. It helps build the blood, gives energy, strengthens cells and tissue. Spirulina helps balance blood sugar and satisfies hunger.

It balances RNA/DNA, it helps the brain function and gives better mental clarity. Energy is noticed in a few short days as well as a keen alertness. Spirulina is a complete protein, contains the complete B-Complex vitamins and the essential Trace Minerals and Fatty Acids. It helps the body to detox in a natural way and eventually will rid the body of toxic poisons. It helps the body with mineral absorption and helps reduce cholesterol. The name Spirulina is derived from the word Helix, meaning a normal spiral of Electric Charqe.
(Info from New Sun Health Product Catalog)

What is the value of the herb echinacea?


Echinacea can be effective in boosting the immune system, though it should only be taken for a couple of weeks at a time. People have used echinacea effectively to arrest cold symptoms or decrease their severity.

Since Echinacea should not be used on a daily basis, your next question is: What type of immune booster CAN I use on a regular basis? The answer: Great tasting All natural Organic Green Tea Plus!

What are the benefits of St. John´s Wort?

St. John's Wort

Also known as KLAMATH WEED and HYPERCIUM Liquid Extract 4 oz. HABITAT: Hypercium perforatum is found from Monterey and Fresno counties, California, all the way north to British Columbia; and east through Idaho and western Montana and the high, wet country of west central Nevada.

MEDICINAL USES: St. John's Wort is one of our best herbal therapies for depression and numbing frustration. It seems to work best for those people who find things falling apart. St. John's Wort helps relieve PAIN, MENTAL BURNOUTS, NEURALGIA, ANXIETY and NERVOUS TENSION. It has been used to relieve phlegm obstructions in the chest and lungs. St. John's Wort also has been much help in correcting painful and irregular menstruations, afterbirth pains, bedwetting, bronchitis, lung congestion and uterine cramps. Although its main claim is an antidepressant, it has a good record for many other uses. Our St. John's Wort is wild crafted from the mountains of western Montana and is very concentrated and highly active in HYPERICIN. Usually in short supply until the end of June when the growing season comes.
(Info from New Sun Health Product Catalog)

What is Eyebright good for?


EYEBRIGHT dates back to Ancient Greece where the claim was that it cured eye ailments. In modern times it is used for various eye disorders and is especially helpful in acute or chronic inflammation of the eve. It strengthens and soothes the eyes and possibly reverses cataracts. By making a tea and with the use of an eye cup for soaking the eyes 10 to 15 minutes each day, there may be improvement.
(Info from New Sun Health catalog)

What are the health benefits gained from green tea?

Organic Herbal Green Tea

Green Tea Plus is an herbal tonic guaranteed to deliver a potent dose of antioxidants. Green Tea Plus is created using organically grown herbs from the mountains of China. It contains NO sugar, artificial sweeteners or preservatives.

Enjoy safe and natural Green Tea Plus as often as desired. Decaffeinated Green Tea Plus is convenient and easy to use, in a concentrated liquid extract.

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Ray Lokar