Green Tea For Weight Loss Tips

Read these 6 Green Tea For Weight Loss Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Green Tea tips and hundreds of other topics.

Green Tea For Weight Loss Tips has been rated 3.1 out of 5 based on 158 ratings and 1 user reviews.
How can green tea help obesity?

Obesity - leading cause of death

It is now known that obesity is the leading cause of death in the U.S. Passing up cancer and cardiovascular disease. Due to the alarming rate of obesity on the rise, now more than ever. Type 2 diabetes is directly related to obesity. Get your weight under control and you can drastically reduce your chances of diabetes and many obesity related diseases.

Drink green tea for weight loss. By sipping decaffeinated green tea plus daily, instead of regular caffeinated green tea, you can promote weight loss. Green Tea Plus has been proven to speed your metabolism. For a great tasting weight loss green tea liquid concentrate extract and to discover the MANY health benefits of Green Tea Plus visit:

Another natural obesity solution, check out Power Pops! Boost energy! Lose weight Naturally! Reveal Free weight loss tips at:

Can caffeine cause weight loss or weight gain?

Raise your Metabolism

Cutting out foods when dieting is counterproductive because the body slows its metabolism to burn fewer calories. Instead eat small meals and a few healthy snacks to make the body burn calories and raise your metabolism.

Green Tea Plus has been proven to raise metabolism. Add Green Tea Plus to your diet today!

Another natural obesity solution is Power Pops. Power Pops are a healthy snack alternative with citrimax and B vitamins. View our weight loss tips newsletters and enter our FREE drawing.

What herbs can help my obesity?

New Obesity Warning!

New Obesity Warning! New studies have proven that being overweight may double your cancer of developing adenocarcinoma, a type of cervical cancer that can be particularly deadly because of its inability to be detected in the early stages. Be sure NOT to skip annual Pap Smears and keep your body mass index (BMI) below 25. To calculate your BMI visit

For natural obesity solutions visit:

Discover how green tea raises metabolism to promote weight loss:

Another natural obesity solution:

Eat candy, lose weight! Yes it's true!
All natural weight loss!

How can green tea help obesity?

Childhood Obesity Solutions

Childhood Obesity is alarmingly on the rise!! Following are some childhood obesity facts:

1) Among children and adolescents aged 6 to 19 years of age, 15% of children are overweight leading to an ever-growing number of childhood diabetics.

2) Overweight children have increasingly high blood pressure and elevated blood cholesterol levels.

3) The percentage of overweight children has tripled in the past 20 years.

4) Childrens' participation in all types of physical activity declines as get grow older.

5) Only 2% of all kids eat meals that follow the recommended guidelines of the USDA food guide.

Hopefully, these alarming statistics will get you in gear to teach your kids some good diet and exercise habits early on in life, to prevent health risks later on. Our kids only learn what we teach them.

Green tea plus has been proven to raise metabolism and is a natural obesity solution. See for yourself, try sipping decaffeinated green tea plus for weight loss on a daily basis. Green tea for weight loss is just one of the MANY health benefits of green tea. To view additional health benefits offered by Green Tea Plus:

Yes, it's true you can eat candy and lose weight!
For additional natural obesity solutions and weight loss tips visit:

How do I use Green Tea Plus?

Obesity Facts

Following are some astounding weight statistics:

1) Did you know that 67% of the ENTIRE US population are overweight?
2) 1 in 4 people of the ENTIRE WORLD population are obese.
3) Obesity rates among US adults have gone up 30% since the late 1970s.
4) An Estimated 1,200 People Die Daily From Weight-Related Illnesses which adds up to 300,000 deaths a year.
5) Obesity has led to increased Health Care Costs of an estimated $117 BILLION annually.
6) Obesity is the LEADING CAUSE of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, stroke, and many health disorders.

About 88% of the population is concerned enough about their overweight issues that they are trying to lose weight or at least maintain their current weight?
These amazing facts should alarm all of us enough to do what we can to find a natural obesity solution.

Studies have revealed that Green Tea Extract will increase the 'energy expenditure' or the amount of calories burned, in a 24 hour period. Green Tea Plus can raise your metabolism. What does this tell us? Drink Green Tea Plus daily to raise your metabolism and shed those excess pounds for a healthier YOU.

View the MANY magical health benefits of Green Tea Plus at:

Another tasty NATURAL obesity solution is Power Pops.
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How can Green Tea Plus help me?

Green tea - Natural Obesity Solution

Did you know that 67% of the American population is clinically obese, meaning that they have health risks due to their being overweight? Childhood obesity is at an all time high, which leads to more cases of childhood diabetes than ever before.

The leaves of green tea plants are thermogenic herbs, which means that green tea raises metabolism. Studies have revealed that Green Tea extract has been proven to not only boost your energy levels but raise your metabolism.

By increasing the amount of calories burned in a 24 hour period, green tea promotes weight loss. By Sipping green tea daily you can enhance your current weight loss plan, preferably decaffeinated Green Tea Plus, a super concentrated liquid extract that is convenient and easy to use, and proven to raise your metabolism.

Be sure to check out our many green tea and weight loss tips to reveal green tea effects on weight loss.

Discover many health benefits of green tea plus visit:

Eat candy, lose weight! Ask me how.
Another natural obesity solution.

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Guru Spotlight
Jolyn Wells-Moran