November 21, 2003, Newsletter Issue #16: How to Control Blood Sugar on a Daily Basis

Tip of the Week

So, now you ask.. How can I maintain proper blood
sugar levels on a daily basis?

Well, here it goes...

***Eat more complex carbohydrates such as whole-wheat
or whole-rye bread and pasta, brown rice, rolled oats,
beans, and whole-grain cereal. Why? Because complex
carbohydrates release of energy slowly because it takes
time for them to be digested. This helps maintain
balanced blood sugar levels.

***Eat foods high in protein such as meat, fish, eggs,
soy, beans, nuts, and cheese. Protein helps maintain
blood sugar levels and supplies energy.

***Drink at least eight 8-oz glasses of water each day
to balance your blood sugar levels. Water flushes any
excess sugar from your body.

***DON`T skip meals. Skipped meals causes your blood
sugar levels to drop, increasing your sweet cravings,
which in turn quickly raises blood sugar once sweets
are consumed.

***Eat fruit instead of drinking juice, as juice usually
contains added sugar. The fiber in fruit slows the
digestion rate, which helps keep blood sugar in balance.

***Avoid or limit caffeine consumption. Caffeine can
make blood sugar levels fluctuate.

***Take a vitamin and mineral supplements, especially
those high in antioxidants such as vitamins, A, B, C, & E.
Even though you might think you eat healthily, it is
very hard to consume all the vitamins and antioxidants
that we need to stay healthy.

***Reduce refined sugar as found in ice cream, cakes,
cookies, soda and candy. Read food labels for sugar
content and hidden sugars.

Green Tea Plus has been proven to not only control blood sugar levels, but maintain normal cholesterol levels, speed up metabolism, and promote good oral hygiene. Drink Green Tea Plus on a daily basis and see what it can do for you.

As Always Here`s to Your Health!

Cindy Silk
CJK Marketing

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