December 12, 2003, Newsletter Issue #19: Holiday Spices Are Good For Us!

Tip of the Week

With the holidays vastly approaching us, we often wonder how we can stay in control of our health while still enjoying some of those wonderful holiday treats. Proper nutrition is our biggest concern during this time of the year.

At last, you will finally hear some good news about those tasty decorative treats and holiday meals! You do not have to completely deprive yourself. As with anything, moderation is the key!

When preparing your holiday meals, you might take into consideration Dr. Mercola`s tips on the great health advantages that the following spices offer:


Studies have found that 1/2 a teaspoon of cinnamon daily significantly reduces blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes, reduces triglyceride, LDL cholesterol, and total cholesterol levels.

Cinnamon has also been known to: support digestive function, relieve congestion, relieve pain in stiff muscles and joints, arthritis, menstrual discomfort, stimulate circulation, prevent urinary tract infections, tooth decay and gum disease.


Nutmeg`s health benefits may include: Relaxation, reduction of anxiety, calming muscle spasms, reducing indigestion, toothaches, diarrhea, joint pain, lowering of blood pressure and cholesterol, improving concentration, and increasing circulation


Cloves have been well known to relieve tooth aches along with these additional benefits: Anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and antioxidant properties, relief from respiratory ailments such as asthma and bronchitis, relief from muscle pains, arthritis, eliminates intestinal parasites, fungi and bacteria.


Ginger`s wonderful health qualities includes: Relaxes the intestinal tract to sooth stomach conditions including morning sickness, nausea, and eliminates intestinal gas.
Ginger has antioxidant properties to boost the immune system by protecting against bacteria and fungi.


Fresh peppermint leaves not only possess wonderful aromatic qualities, they also help: Aid the digestive tract, relieve symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome by inhibiting the growth of bacteria and fungus, relieve the symptoms of allergies and asthma, may protect from cancer.

Although, adding the above spices to your diet may be very beneficial, do so in moderation, just like anything else. They do have health risks if not taken in proper amounts.

Thanks to Dr. Jim Mercola for the above informative tips! You can view many of his additional tips at:

I always find his articles so helpful!

Another great way to boost your immune system on a daily basis is by drinking smooth tasting, highly concentrated Green Tea Plus Magic Fruit with Potent Antioxidant Power and 72 trace minerals.

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Have a most enjoyable holiday season!

Cindy Silk
CJK Marketing

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