January 16, 2004, Newsletter Issue #23: How Xylitol Can Help Improve Diabetes

Tip of the Week

The last couple of newsletters we talked about Xylitol and its` positive effects and benefits.

This newsletter we will discuss how Xylitol can actually help improve diabetes.

Sugar consumption has been associated with increases of blood glucose. Following are good reasons why Xylitol can help improve blood sugar control.

* Slow release of energy

* Low calories

* Low glycemix index

* Excellent taste

* Increases absorption of B vitamins and calcium

* Provides good oral hygiene and dental health

* Inhibits yeast growth

* Reduces carbohydrate cravings and binge eating

* Lowers free fatty acid levels and improves glucose utilization.

Considering the above health benefits, you can see that Xylitol can also aid in weight loss. More on that in the next issue `Xylitol Can Aid in Weight Loss`

Until then, enjoy great tasting Green Tea Plus Magic Fruit with Xylitol daily for improved health!

Order a bottle today!


Here`s to your Health!

Cindy Silk
CJK Marketing

P.S. Remove harmful toxins from your body with Shu Li Detox Foot Pouches. Order a box today! www.shuli-detox.com

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