January 2, 2004, Newsletter Issue #21: Antibacterial Qualities of Xylitol in Green Tea Plus

Tip of the Week

Last week we talked about Xylitol, used as a natural sugar sweetener since the 1960`s. Xylitol is currently approved for use in foods, pharmaceuticals, and oral health products in more than 35 countries.

Today we will talk a little about the qualities of Xylitol.

Pure 100% pharmaceutical-grade Xylitol is a white, crystalline carbohydrate that is classified as a sugar. It is found naturally in fibrous fruits and vegetables, and in various hardwood trees like birch.

Xylitol is produced by our bodies during normal metabolism from other foods.

How does Xylitol compare to Sorbitol? Sorbitol supports the growth of bacteria in the mouth that can cause cavities. These same bacterias are unable to utilize Xylitol for growth. Therefore, Xylitol actually prevents cavities whereas other sugars promote cavities.

Xylitol is sweeter than Sorbitol. Xylitol is slowly absorbed and metabolized, resulting in mild changes in insulin. Xylitol has 40% fewer calories than ordinary sugar. It can easily replace sucrose (table sugar) in your daily diet as it dissolves quickly, has a pleasant taste with sweetness equal to sugar, without the aftertaste.

With these great qualities, who wouldn`t be able to enjoy Xylitol on a daily basis?

Enjoy the magical health benefits of Green Tea Plus Magic Fruit with a smooth sweet lemon and blackberry flavor, sweetened with Xylitol. Green Tea has never tasted so good! And, it`s even decaffeinated!! Try a bottle today.


Stay tuned for next week`s newsletter on `Dental Benefits` of Xylitol use.

Here`s to your Health!

Cindy Silk
CJK Marketing

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