January 30, 2004, Newsletter Issue #25: Xylitol`s Many Health Benefits

Tip of the Week

Our many previous newsletters discussed the uses and health benefits of Xylitol. Xylitol, a sweet tasting sugar substitute, has been approved for consumption in 35 countries.

Extensive studies have shown Xylitol to be very effective in the following ways without any adverse effects.

* Increases energy and endurance, bone density, weight loss, utilization of fat, control of blood sugar and insulin levels.

* Reduces free radical damage by keeping glutathione antioxidant in an active state.

* Helps maintain lean muscle.

* Improves dental hygiene and breath odor. Prevents cavities by 80% and periodontal disease. Relieves dry mouth.

* Speeds metabolism aiding in weight loss, reduces carb cravings and binge eating.

* Increases absorption of B vitamins and calcium.

* Safe for diabetics and hypoglycemics.

* Helps prevent ear infections, yeast infections, sinus infections, bronchitis, and pneumonia.

* 40% lower calories than sugar!

Who wouldn`t want to add Xylitol to their daily diet after viewing this information. Reap the many benefits that Xylitol has to offer by enjoying delicious decaffeinated Green Tea Plus Magic Fruit with Xylitol, on a daily basis.

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Stay tuned for our next newsletter on `Parasites Living in Your Body`! This will be a good one!!

Until then, Here`s to your Health!

Cindy Silk
CJK Marketing

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