January 9, 2004, Newsletter Issue #22: Dental Benefits of Xylitol found in Green Tea Plus

Tip of the Week

Last week we discussed the Healthy Qualities of Xylitol, natural sweetener.

Today we will discuss the Dental Benefits of Xylitol, as found in Green Tea Plus Magic Fruit.

Not only may Xylitol be an ideal alternative to sugar, Xylitol is more than a just a sugar substitute. Xylitol has been proven to reduce new and existing tooth decay. For even years after the studies have been completed.

Following are the clinically proven effects of Xylitol:

1) Eliminates plaque and cavities by 80%

2) Slows demineralization of tooth enamel and promotes remineralization of tooth enamel.

3) Increases saliva, relieves dry mouth.

4) Protects salivary proteins

5) Promotes good oral hygiene, eliminates breath odor.

6) Reduces germs, bacteria, and infections in the mouth.

Xylitol binds with calcium to remineralize tooth enamel. This promotes calcium absorption and may suggest that Xylitol may play a role in prevention of osteoporosis.

Sugar is fermented by oral bacteria such as streptococcus mutans, which causes dental cavities. These mutants produce acid that eat through enamel of teeth and cause decay. These bacteria thrive in the low PH (high acid) mouth conditions, adhering to teeth and producing plaque. Xylitol inhibits the growth of these mutants, by raising PH levels, eliminating bacteria of the mouth permanently. In this way, Xylitol can help eliminate periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is also a risk factor for heart disease and damage to blood vessels.

Xylitol based gum, mints, nasal sprays, and other products are excellent tools for reducing infections that start by mouth and throat. Researchers believe that this simple treatment can prevent chronic sinusitis, throat, and lung infections - Eliminating antibiotic usage and useless surgeries.

What better way to stay healthy than by adding Green Tea Plus Magic Fruit, containing Xylitol to your daily diet. Add the above health benefits of Xylitol to the many additional magical health benefits that green tea offers and you have a perfect healthy product.

Enjoy great tasting Green Tea Plus Magic Fruit as often as desired. Remain healthy during this dreadful cold and flu season with Green Tea Plus Magic Fruit with Xylitol!


Stay tuned for next week`s issue on how Xylitol Improves Diabetes.

Until then, Here`s to Your Health!

Cindy Silk
CJK Marketing

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