April 2, 2004, Newsletter Issue #31: Are you addicted to caffeine..take the test

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Hints to Help you Quit Caffeine!!!

Even though caffeine gives you a short temporary surge of energy....
By the way, here is how, in one simple sentence,
The liver releases sugar into the bloodstream for extra energy.

But once the caffeine wears off, many grow tired and even have a depressed feeling within.

Cure - take in more caffeine for another surge!!

The same happens when you try to stop your caffeine intake...
Many people get a terrible headache caused by blood vessels in the brain dilating! Some people even feel some muscle pain. These symptoms can occur any time within 24 hours after your last dose of caffeine.

Take the test..

Take away the daily coffee, teas and/or bottle of Coke.
If you get any of these withdrawal symptoms, your body is addicted to caffeine.

You don`t have to go cold turkey!!!
Try doing it gradually!!
Try eliminating one cup/glass a day.

Or start to mix some decaf into your regular soda or coffee. Increase the decaf in time, while eliminating the caffeine product! Do this until it is all decaffeinated!!

Drink even more water to help rehydrate yourself and to help with the headaches!!

The headaches can last for several days. Then they will disappear. Meanwhile take some pain killers for the headaches. Avoiding the pain killers with caffeine in them.
When purchasing medications look for medications that do not contain caffeine.

Stay active and keep busy!!

Ask other members in your home to stop the caffeine intake with you.

Do this and see how much better you feel in several days.

Good luck!

Remember great tasting Green Tea Plus Magic Fruit is decaffeinated! Order yours today:


Our next issue will discuss how much caffeine is in your favorite products. Stay tuned..

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