June 4, 2004, Newsletter Issue #36: Diabetes and our Immune Systems

Tip of the Week

Your body`s immune system has direct effect on Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics. Here`s why..

In type 1 diabetics, your immune system is over producing and attacking the cells that produce insulin. In the very beginning stages your body is exposed to many viral infections. These viruses attack the pancreatic cells, thereby creating your immune system to kill these viruses. In many cases your immune system will continue to attack innocent pancreatic cells, even after the virus is controlled. Thus, the over productive immune system response.

By continually overworking your immune system, your body becomes tired and worn out. Evermore, increasing your risk of infection. Diabetics are two times more likely to be hospitalized for infection.

So, you wonder, how do I help protect my immune system from infections and the side effects of diabetes? It is a matter of helping your body to become healthy enough again to aid proper immune system response when needed. How?

On a daily basis, drink Green Tea Plus. Green Tea Plus has 97% polyphenols, the most potent type of antioxidants available in green tea. Antioxidants help our body fight off free radicals (harmful toxins, germs, viruses) that ultimately lead to infection. Green Tea Plus is decaffeinated and most importantly, great tasting! Try a bottle today and see what Green Tea Plus can do for you!


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Until next time, Here`s to your health!

Cindy Silk
CJK Marketing

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