October 27, 2006, Newsletter Issue #76: Why decaffeinated green tea?

Tip of the Week

Caffeine is a diuretic...It helps your body release water through increased urination. This weight loss is NOT body fat! This also dehydrates you!

The Magic of Water! A Wonderful Diet Aid!
Water is very important!! So remember to drink even more water than the recommended amount, if you take in caffeine!

Please remember that many caffeinated beverages, such as Iced Tea, Sodas, Flavored Coffees, etc, contain sugar.
The sugars in these products adds calories....and weight gain, and lowers your immune system ability.

Cut back on caffeine and sugar to promote weight loss, feel more energized, and overall better health.

Drink decaffeinated green tea plus instead of regular caffeinated green tea. Green Tea Plus has been proven to speed your metabolism. Green Tea Plus can be found at:


Power Pops! Boost energy! Lose weight without caffeine!!


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