December 8, 2006, Newsletter Issue #80: INDOOR AIR POLLUTION

Tip of the Week

Are you concerned about the air your child breathes? According to an EPA Report to Congress on Indoor Air and the subcommittee hearings on the Indoor Air Quality Act of 1989, indoor air pollution is one of the nation´s most important environmental health problems. According to the EPA, most homes have airborne concentrations of hazardous and toxic chemicals that are two to five times higher indoors than outdoors. In one five-year study, the EPA reported that a number of homes have chemical levels that were 70 times higher inside the homes than outside!

Another reason chemical concentrations are so high in some homes is that cleaning products in some personal care products release toxic vapors into the air when they are used - and even when they are stored. This process is called out-gassing.

The air in our homes is full of chemical vapors. Most children spend 12 to 20 hours a day in their homes.
Physiologically, children are more vulnerable to toxic vapors than adults because of their higher metabolic rate. They require more oxygen, and they breathe in two to three times as much (and therefore toxins) relative to body size than adults. Children are more physically active. This also increases their breathing rate and intake of toxins. Also, children play close to the floor where heavier pollutants settle.

Airborne chemicals are that suspected cause of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) which takes the lives of thousands of infants each year. This may explain the documented higher incidence of SIDS in the winter time. During the winter, windows are left closed, decreasing ventilation, which increases the concentrations of the gas vapors in the home. No one knows what causes SIDS, but why take unnecessary chances with your infant? We can do something to reduce their family´s exposure to airborne toxins from household products. They can simply switch brands.


Household cleaning and personal care products are not the only source of chemicals in our homes. As you have seen, however, they are some of the most toxic and deadly. Fortunately, they are also the easiest to replace.

Knowing now that the chemicals in your home can seriously harm, even kill your child, wouldn´t it be better to get them out of your home? Since there are safer, effective alternatives, is there any reason to place your child at risk one more day? Why wait! Protect the ones you love!

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