June 23, 2006, Newsletter Issue #59: Further Research into Green Tea as an HIV drug?

Tip of the Week

Further research into the potential preventative effects of the green tea catechin EGCG on HIV infection is being conducted by researchers at the National Center for Macromolecular Imaging at Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, and the Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology at the University of Sheffield, Sheffield, England.

The study may offer a new perspective for the treatment of the life-threatening HIV disease and HIV prevention.

Researchers do not suggest the use of green tea to counter HIV infection or as an alternative therapy to current anti-viral agents now used.

The concentrations of EGCG in green tea in laboratory studies are many times over the blood concentration that could be achieved by normal green tea consumption. However, the current findings call for additional research into the clinical application of green tea catechin as an anti-HIV drug.

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