July 21, 2006, Newsletter Issue #63: Childhood Obesity Solutions

Tip of the Week

Childhood Obesity is alarmingly on the rise!! Following are some childhood obesity facts:

1) Among children and adolescents aged 6 to 19 years of age, 15% of children are overweight leading to an ever-growing number of childhood diabetics.

2) Overweight children have increasingly high blood pressure and elevated blood cholesterol levels.

3) The percentage of overweight children has tripled in the past 20 years.

4) Childrensī participation in all types of physical activity declines as get grow older.

5) Only 2% of all kids eat meals that follow the recommended guidelines of the USDA food guide.

Hopefully, these alarming statistics will get you in gear to teach your kids some good diet and exercise habits early on in life, to prevent health risks later on. Our kids only learn what we teach them.

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Yes, itīs true you can eat candy and lose weight!
For additional natural obesity solutions and weight loss tips visit:


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