January 5, 2007, Newsletter Issue #84: Toxins and free radicals

Tip of the Week

We all live with toxins on a daily basis. We get these toxins from the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the water we drink. No getting around it.

What we can do to prevent damage done by these toxins and free radicals is to provide proper nutrition, diet, and exercise to boost our body´s immune system. By boosting our immune systems, we will have more energy, sleep better, and be able to handle every day stress easier.

How can we safely help boost our body´s current immune system? We can supplement our daily nutrition needs with vitamins, minerals, herbs, and immune boosters such as transfer factor and green tea.

With these products, you will notice more energy because your immune system will not be suppressed and working overtime. This provides your body with the ability to feel great and enjoy ´better´ overall health!

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