September 7, 2007, Newsletter Issue #118: Spirulina

Tip of the Week

Spirulina is known as one of the top miracle foods. It is a single cell type of algae that thrives in warm alkaline fresh water where it multiplies. Spirulina is one of the most natural, clean sterile foods that can be found in nature. It is the highest source of natural Beta Carotene, Vitamin D and GLA (Gamma Linolenic Acid). Spirulina contains all nine essential Amino Acids. It is extremely high in natural protein, much higher than beef. Spirulina is a food that has extremely long shelf life and is great to store for any future emergency. It contains 26 times the calcium of milk and has a good supply of niacin and phosphorus. It is of great help to almost any kind of aliment known to mankind. It helps build the blood, gives energy, strengthens cells and tissue. Spirulina helps balance blood sugar and satisfies hunger.

It balances RNA/DNA, it helps the brain function and gives better mental clarity. Energy is noticed in a few short days as well as a keen alertness. Spirulina is a complete protein, contains the complete B-Complex vitamins and the essential Trace Minerals and Fatty Acids. It helps the body to detox in a natural way and eventually will rid the body of toxic poisons. It helps the body with mineral absorption and helps reduce cholesterol. The name Spirulina is derived from the word Helix, meaning a normal spiral of Electric Charqe.
(Info from New Sun Health Product Catalog)

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