March 12, 2010, Newsletter Issue #136: EGCG in green tea may prevent HIV

Tip of the Week

Discover how green tea prevents HIV. Kuzushige Kawai, MD, and colleagues from the University of Tokyo demonstrated in laboratory studies that EGCG (derived from catechins in green tea) blocked the binding of HIV envelope glycoprotein to human CD4 molecules on human T cells. The CD4 molecule acts as a binding target for HIV vesicles and plays an important role in the aggressive infection process.

Researchers found that EGCG showed a strong affinity for the CD4 molecule, and by binding them, could effectively prevent the binding of the HIV glycoprotein envelope. These findings open new doors for the clinical application of EGCG as a new anti-HIV drug.

Enjoy the preventive effects of drinking Green Tea Plus Magic Fruit daily, as often as desired, to help prevent your body from HIV infection. Green Tea Plus offers super antioxidants, more than most green teas available today. Reveal green tea prevention tips including green tea and cancer prevention at:

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