April 2, 2010, Newsletter Issue #139: Sleep is Very Important

Tip of the Week

We all know that sleep is important, but why?

Research studies have found that it is quite clear that insufficient rest can result in illness or even an increased rate of cancer and diabetes. Good sleeping patterns can slow down the aging process, reduce your stress levels, balance your hormone levels, and repair damaged cells.

A disrupted sleep rhythm may influence cancer progression through shifts in hormones like melatonin, which the brain makes during sleep.

Irregular sleeping and waking patterns due to stress or other issues may promote cancer growth.

Therefore, be sure to get your proper rest each night to help boost your immune system so your body can repair damaged cells, such as cancer cells.

Before retiring at bedtime, relax and enjoy a great tasting herbal tonic - Green Tea Plus. With Green Tea Plus you will receive super antioxidants to increase your body´s ability to boost your immune system, thereby, making the bedtime repair process even greater.

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